Results for 'Richard Mills Owsley'

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  1.  52
    Beyond Criticism of Ethics Review Boards: Strategies for Engaging Research Communities and Enhancing Ethical Review Processes.Andrew Hickey, Samantha Davis, Will Farmer, Julianna Dawidowicz, Clint Moloney, Andrea Lamont-Mills, Jess Carniel, Yosheen Pillay, David Akenson, Annette Brömdal, Richard Gehrmann, Dean Mills, Tracy Kolbe-Alexander, Tanya Machin, Suzanne Reich, Kim Southey, Lynda Crowley-Cyr, Taiji Watanabe, Josh Davenport, Rohit Hirani, Helena King, Roshini Perera, Lucy Williams, Kurt Timmins, Michael Thompson, Douglas Eacersall & Jacinta Maxwell - 2022 - Journal of Academic Ethics 20 (4):549-567.
    A growing body of literature critical of ethics review boards has drawn attention to the processes used to determine the ethical merit of research. Citing criticism on the bureaucratic nature of ethics review processes, this literature provides a useful provocation for (re)considering how the ethics review might be enacted. Much of this criticism focuses on how ethics review boards _deliberate,_ with particular attention given to the lack of transparency and opportunities for researcher recourse that characterise ethics review processes. Centered specifically (...)
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    Contesting Earth's Future.Richard Owsley - 1996 - Environmental Ethics 18 (4):425-429.
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    Simmel's four components of historical science.Richard Owsley & Gary Backhaus - 2003 - Human Studies 26 (2):209-222.
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    Wagner and the intellectual biography of Alfred Schutz.Richard M. Owsley - 1985 - Human Studies 8 (4):307 - 313.
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    Optimization in “self‐modeling” complex adaptive systems.Richard A. Watson, C. L. Buckley & Rob Mills - 2011 - Complexity 16 (5):17-26.
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  6. Mercer Commentary on the Bible.Watson Mills & Richard F. Wilson - 1994
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    John Stuart Mill: Notices of His Life and Works : Together with Two Papers Written by Him on the Land Question.H. R. Fox Bourne, Henry Richard Fox Bourne & John Stuart Mill - 1990 - Thoemmes Press.
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  8. Massive global ozone loss predicted following regional nuclear conflict.Mills Michael, J. Toon, B. Owen, Turco Richard, P. Kinnison, E. Douglas, Garcia Rolando & R. - 2008 - Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105 (14):5307--5312.
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  9. British Fertility Society.Alison Murdoch, Richard Fleming, Mark Hamilton & John Mills - 2001 - Human Reproduction and Genetic Ethics 7 (1):14-14.
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    Pop-up political advocacy communities on SandersForPresident and The Donald.Richard A. Mills - 2018 - AI and Society 33 (1):39-54.
    This paper explores two reddit communities that supported Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump, respectively, in the run up to the 2016 US Presidential election campaign. Much of the paper is dedicated to explaining how reddit functions, describing the behaviour of the subreddit communities in question and then asking whether these demonstrated collective intelligence. Subreddit communities submit and vote on content, through their votes they make collective decisions about which content will be broadcast to their community. Large subreddit communities that formed (...)
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    Book Review Section 2. [REVIEW]Richard Olmsted, Paula A. Cordeiro, Robert W. Johns, C. David Lisman, Bettye Macphail-Wilcox, Margaret Gillett, Ruth Hayhoe, Delbert H. Long, Joseph S. Malikail & Geoffrey E. Mills - 1991 - Educational Studies 22 (1):65-109.
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    Letter to the Editor.Richard P. Mills - 2005 - Philosophical Practice 1 (1):11-12.
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    The perfect mirror is invisible.Richard Mille - 1976 - Zygon 11 (1):25-33.
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    Richard Mills, The Politi cs of Football in Yugoslavia: Sport, Nati onalism and the State, I. B. Tauris, London/New York, 2018.Balša Delibašić - 2019 - Filozofija I Društvo 30 (2):312-313.
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    A spatial perspective on numerical concepts.Martin H. Fischer & Richard A. Mills - 2008 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 31 (6):651-652.
    The reliable covariation between numerosity and spatial extent is considered as a strong constraint for inferring the successor principle in numerical cognition. We suggest that children can derive a general number concept from the (experientially) infinite succession of spatial positions during object manipulation.
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    The Marxist Conception of Ideology. [REVIEW]Richard M. Mills - 1979 - Thought: Fordham University Quarterly 54 (1):108-110.
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    The Philosophical I: Personal Reflections on Life in Philosophy.Nicholas Rescher, Richard Shusterman, Linda Martín Alcoff, Lorraine Code, Sandra Harding, Bat-Ami Bar On, John Lachs, John J. Stuhr, Douglas Kellner, Thomas E. Wartenberg, Paul C. Taylor, Nancey Murphy, Charles W. Mills, Nancy Tuana & Joseph Margolis (eds.) - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    Philosophy is shaped by life and life is shaped by philosophy. This is reflected in The Philosophical I, a collection of 16 autobiographical essays by prominent philosophers.
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  18. (1 other version)Mill Versus Paternalism.Richard J. Arneson - 1979 - Philosophy Research Archives 5:89-119.
    This paper attempts a defense of John Stuart Mill’s absolute ban against paternalistic restrictions on liberty. Mill’s principle looks more credible once we recognize that some instances of what are thought to be justified instances of paternalism are not instances of paternalism at all—e.g. anti-duelling laws. An interpretation of Mill’s argument is advanced which stresses his commitment to autonomy and his suggestion that exactly the same reasons which favor absolute freedom of speech also favor an absolute prohibition of paternalism. Alternative (...)
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    Peirce’s Examination of Mill’s Philosophy.Richard Smyth - 1985 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 21 (2):157 - 199.
  20. Class Conflict and Constitutionalism in JS Mill's Thought.Richard Ashcraft - 1989 - In Nancy L. Rosenblum (ed.), Liberalism and the Moral Life. Harvard University Press. pp. 105--26.
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    Mill's Epistemology.Richard Fumerton - 2016 - In Christopher Macleod & Dale E. Miller (eds.), A Companion to Mill. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. pp. 192–206.
    Mill's views in epistemology were very much the culmination of radical British empiricism, and its natural transition to certain forms of logical positivism. This paper involves an overview and critical evaluation of Mill's foundationalism, his views on inductive reasoning and attempt to “reduce” deductive reasoning to inductive reasoning, his attempt to solve the epistemological problems of perception by reducing talk of physical objects to talk about the permanent possibility of sensations (his phenomenalism), his views on knowledge of necessary truths, and (...)
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  22. The Surface and Substance of Mill's Defense of Freedom.Richard Lichtman - forthcoming - Social Research: An International Quarterly.
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  23. TH Green, JS Mill, and Isaiah Berlin on the Nature of Liberty and Liberalism.Richard Bellamy - 1992 - In Hyman Gross & Ross Harrison (eds.), Jurisprudence: Cambridge essays. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 257--285.
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    Mills' Doubts about Freedom under Socialism.Richard J. Arneson - 1979 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy, Supplementary Volume 5:231-249.
    John Stuart Mill is one of the very few philosophical representatives of the liberal political tradition to have given a detailed and sympathetic examination of the socialist critique of private property. While endorsing many of the extreme criticisms of the existing property system that serve as premises in arguments for socialism, Mill is definitely opposed to recommending socialism as an expedient for the present and inclined to be skeptical of the idea that at some future time socialism will be the (...)
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    Mill's Mind.Richard V. Reeves - 2016 - In Christopher Macleod & Dale E. Miller (eds.), A Companion to Mill. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.. pp. 1–11.
    Benjamin Franklin exhorted his fellows to “either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” John Stuart Mill is among that rare breed who managed to do both. He was a public intellectual before the term was created; an advocate for a humanist, self‐reflective life, but also a man of political action. Mill's thought and life do not stand apart from each other. He was in fact an intensely autobiographical thinker. Mill's extraordinary upbringing and education, for example, fuelled his (...)
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    John Stuart Mill: Victorian firebrand.Richard Reeves - 2007 - London: Atlantic Books.
    The definitive life of John Stuart Mill, one of the heroic giants of Victorian England Richard Reeves' sparkling new biography can be read as an attempt to do justice to this eminent thinker, and it succeeds triumphantly. He reveals Mill as a man of action--a philosopher and radical MP who profoundly shaped Victorian society and whose thinking continues to illuminate our own. The product of an extraordinary and unique education, Mill would become in time the most significant English thinker (...)
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  27. Kant, Mill, Durkheim? Trust and autonomy in bioethics and politics: Autonomy and trust in bioethics: The Gifford Lectures, University of Edinburgh, 2001Onora O'Neill; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002, pp. xiii+ 213, Price£ 40.00 Hardback, ISBN 0-521-81540-1,£ 14.95 Paperback, ISBN 0-521-89453-0. A question of trust: The BBC Reith Lectures 2002Onora O'Neill; Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2002, pp. viii+ 100, Price£ 25.00 Hardback, ISBN 0-521-82304-8,£ 9.95 Paperback, ISBN 0-521-52996-4. [REVIEW]Richard E. Ashcroft - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (2):359-366.
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    The philosophy of J.S. Mill.Richard Paul Anschutz - 1953 - Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press.
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    Kant, Mill, Durkheim? Trust and autonomy in bioethics and politics.Richard E. Ashcroft - 2003 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part C: Studies in History and Philosophy of Biological and Biomedical Sciences 34 (2):359-366.
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    Smadditizin' with Charles W. Mills.Richard A. Jones - 2022 - Radical Philosophy Review 25 (2):237-252.
    This is a memorial essay on how the life and work of Charles W. Mills influenced my development as a Black philosopher. Employing Mills’s use of the Jamaican creole term smadditizin’—meaning “becoming recognized as somebody in a world where, primarily because of race, it is denied”—I trace how Mills helped me become a human self myself. Inspired by using his books as texts in courses I taught, and working with him in the Radical Philosophy Association, I learned (...)
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  31. John Stuart mill and pornography: Beyond the harm principle.Richard Vernon - 1996 - Ethics 106 (3):621-632.
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    Mill.Wendy Donner, Richard Fumerton & Richard A. Fumerton - 2009 - Wiley-Blackwell. Edited by Richard A. Fumerton & Steven M. Nadler.
    _John Stuart Mill_ investigates the central elements of the 19th century philosopher’s most profound and influential works, from _On Liberty_ to _Utilitarianism_ and _The Subjection of Women_. Through close analysis of his primary works, it reveals the very heart of the thinker’s ideas, and examines them in the context of utilitarianism, liberalism and the British empiricism prevalent in Mill’s day. • Presents an analysis of the full range of Mill’s primary writings, getting to the core of the philosopher’s ideas. • (...)
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  33. On liberty: Examples of applications of the liberty principle.Richard Arneson - unknown
    Mill holds that in some of these cases the restriction of liberty that is proposed is permissible according to the liberty principle. In other cases, the proposed restriction violates the liberty principle as Mill understands it. (Mill first formulates the "liberty principle" on p. 9.).
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  34. An Ethics for Today: Finding Common Ground Between Philosophy and Religion.Richard Rorty, Jeffrey W. Robbins & Gianni Vattimo - 2010 - Cambridge University Press.
    Richard Rorty is famous, maybe even infamous, for his philosophical nonchalance. His groundbreaking work not only rejects all theories of truth but also dismisses modern epistemology and its preoccupation with knowledge and representation. At the same time, the celebrated pragmatist believed there could be no universally valid answers to moral questions, which led him to a complex view of religion rarely expressed in his writings. In this posthumous publication, Rorty, a strict secularist, finds in the pragmatic thought of John (...)
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    Boole and mill: differing perspectives on logical psychologism.John Richards - 1980 - History and Philosophy of Logic 1 (1-2):19-36.
    Logical psychologism is the position that logic is a special branch of psychology, that logical laws are descriptíons of experience to be arrived at through observation, and are a posteriori.The accepted arguments against logical psychologism are effective only when directed against this extreme version. However, the clauses in the above characterization are independent and ambiguous, and may be considered separately. This separation permits a reconsideration of less extreme attempts to tie logic to psychology, such as those defended by Mill and (...)
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  36. Ten, C. L., "Mill on Liberty. [REVIEW]Richard J. Arneson - 1982 - Ethics 93:399.
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  37. Democracy and liberty in mill's theory of government.Richard J. Arneson - 1982 - Journal of the History of Philosophy 20 (1):43-64.
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    Comment on Charles Mills.Richard Schmitt - 2012 - Radical Philosophy Review 15 (2):331-336.
  39. John Stuart mill and the limits of state action.Richard Wollheim - 1973 - Social Research: An International Quarterly 40 (1):1--30.
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    The Utility of Quality: An Understanding of Mill.Richard N. Bronaugh - 1974 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 4 (2):317 - 325.
    Henry Sidgwick remarked in The Methods of Ethics regarding pleasure that the “distinctions of quality that Mill and others urge may … be admitted as grounds of preference, but only in so far as they can be resolved into distinctions of quantity.” Sidgwick had not believed that Mill intended that resolution and commented in his history that “it is hard to see in what sense a man who of two alternative pleasures chooses the less pleasant on the ground of its (...)
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  41. Richard K. Emmerson, ed., Approaches to Teaching Medieval English Drama.(Approaches to Teaching World Literature, 29.) New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1990. Pp. xvii, 182. $34 (cloth); $19 (paper). [REVIEW]David Mills - 1992 - Speculum 67 (4):963-964.
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    A note on the "proof" of utility in J. S. mill.Richard H. Popkin - 1950 - Ethics 61 (1):66-68.
  43. Misallocating Health Care and Societal Resources.Richard Lamm - 1988 - Notre Dame Journal of Law, Ethics and Public Policy 3 (2):241-248.
    The future will be controlled by those nations which most intelligently allocate their resources. Our nation's capital is the stored flexibility needed by our children to meet the future. How we allocate our nation's limited resources and capital will dictate the kind of lives our children will lead. We are not correctly or intelligently allocating our nation's health care resources. There are serious internal contradictions in a society that no longer produces the radios, televisions, or video recorders it invented, yet (...)
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  44. Returning to Rawls: Social Contracting, Social Justice, and Transcending the Limitations of Locke.Richard Marens - 2007 - Journal of Business Ethics 75 (1):63-76.
    A generation ago, the field of business ethics largely abandoned analyzing the broader issue of social justice to focus upon more micro concerns. Donaldson applied the social contract tradition of Locke and Rawls to the ethics of management decision-making, and with Dunfee, has advanced this project ever since. Current events suggest that if the field is to remain relevant it needs to return to examining social and economic fairness, and Rawl's approach to social contracting suggests a way to start. First, (...)
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  45. Cost-Benefit Analysis.Richard Layard & Stephen Glaister (eds.) - 1994 - Cambridge University Press.
    Should India build a new steel mill, or London an urban motorway? Should higher education expand, or water supplies be improved? These are typical questions about which cost-benefit analysis has something to say. It is the main tool that economics provides for analysing problems of social choice. It also provides a useful vehicle for understanding the practical value of welfare economics. This new book of readings covers all the main problems that arise in a typical cost-benefit exercise. It is entirely (...)
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    Ricoeur as Another: The Ethics of Subjectivity, eds. Richard A. Cohen and James L. Marsh.Adrian P. Mills - 2005 - Journal of the British Society for Phenomenology 36 (1):110-110.
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    Reply to Nancy Holmstrom and Richard Schmitt.Charles W. Mills - 2012 - Radical Philosophy Review 15 (2):337-343.
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    Free and equal: a philosophical examination of political values.Richard J. Norman - 1987 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The concepts of freedom and equality lie at the heart of much contemporary political debate. But how, exactly, are these concepts to be understood? And do they really represent desirable political values? Norman begins from the premise that freedom and equality are rooted in human experience, and thus have a real and objective content. He then argues that the attempt to clarify these concepts is therefore not just a matter of idle philosophical speculation, but also a matter of practical politics, (...)
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  49. Shame, Stigma, and Disgust in the Decent Society.Richard J. Arneson - 2007 - The Journal of Ethics 11 (1):31-63.
    Would a just society or government absolutely refrain from shaming or humiliating any of its members? "No," says this essay. It describes morally acceptable uses of shame, stigma and disgust as tools of social control in a decent (just) society. These uses involve criminal law, tort law, and informal social norms. The standard of moral acceptability proposed for determining the line is a version of perfectionistic prioritarian consequenstialism. From this standpoint, criticism is developed against Martha Nussbaum's view that to respect (...)
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  50. Review of Fred R. Berger: Happiness, Justice and Freedom: The Moral and Political Philosophy of John Stuart Mill; John Kleinig: Paternalism[REVIEW]Richard Arneson - 1985 - Ethics 95 (4):954-958.
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